Refitting all over the world
- Implementation new SDCN and Canbus cabling- L-Band Antenna installation with fibers and power cables
- Installation of new Fugro Antennas with related Fibers, Coax, power cabling
- Supply and install upper decks Carpentry
- Supply and install LES Entertainment cabling
- Ocean Front-Good Spirit
- Ocean Front-Good Spirit-Supply and install cabling and HVAC units in DCs
- Ocean Front-Good Spirit-Supply and install cabling and HVAC units in DCs
- Ocean Front-Good Spirit
- Implementation new SDCN and Canbus cabling- L-Band Antenna installation with fibers and power cables
- Installation of new Fugro Antennas with related Fibers, Coax, power cabling
- Supply and install upper decks Carpentry
- Ocean Front-Good Spirit
As built drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Balcony bespoke carpentry for external sensors, supply and install.
- Digital signage wood frames, supply and install.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion net project.
As built drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- Balcony bespoke carpentry for external sensors, supply and install.
- Digital signage wood frames, supply and install.
- HVAC additional cooling on Data Centers.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion net project.
- As built drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- Balcony bespoke carpentry for external sensors, supply and install.
- Digital signage wood frames, supply and install.
- HVAC additional cooling on Data Centers.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion net project.
- As built drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- Balcony bespoke carpentry for external sensors, supply and install.
- Digital signage wood frames, supply and install.
- HVAC additional cooling on Data Centers.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion net project.
- As built drawings.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- Balcony bespoke carpentry for external sensors, supply and install.
- Digital signage wood frames, supply and install.
- HVAC additional cooling on Data Centers.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings.
- Supply install terminate test and certify CAT6 data cables and sockets to AP’s and IDF’s.
- Install and test all added AP’s.
- Supply install terminate test and certify CAT6 data cables and sockets to AP’s and IDF’s.
- Install and test all added AP’s.
- Supply install terminate test and certify CAT6 data cables and sockets to AP’s and IDF’s.
- Install and test all added AP’s.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the Boutiques.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the Youth center.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings.
- Supply install and upgrade all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data systems for the upgraded Red Frog and Blue Iguana bars.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data sockets and cables for the Deli area.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data sockets and cables for the Lido area.
- As built Drawings.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies, data sockets and cables for the Deli area.
- Supply install and upgrade all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data systems for the upgraded Red Frog and Blue Iguana bars.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, and cables for the Pool area.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data sockets and cables for the Lido area.
- As built Drawings.
- Supply and install all new UPS complete with carpentry and electrical works for the new UPS addition.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply install and upgrade all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data systems for the upgraded Red Frog and Blue Iguana bars.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, catering equipment supplies and data systems for the Alchemy bar and Rotisserie area.
- As built Drawings.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings.
- Test and check HV insulation on both compressors.
- Replace all cables with low insulation.
- Terminate Compressor Nr. 3 and Compressor nr. 5 with HV connection.
- HV Test for insulation.
- Terminate and test each cable on panel end.
- Engineering the implementation of the new Ocean Medallion project.
- Ocean medallion project: implementation with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Supply and install bespoke IDF network racks to suit ship’s space
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings.
- Cathode lighting upgrade to LED Restaurants Deck 5, Deck 6 and Casino area
- Remove all cathode lighting on all areas and replace with new flexible high-power LED strips, new added control cables and dimmer cards.
- Modify the existing light dimmer removing the old cards and adding new dimming cards to suite.
- Re program the dimming racks.
- As built drawings.
- Supply and install all new power and signal cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply and install and terminate all new power and signal cables for the Stabilizer System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data cables for the Stabilizer System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the Stabilizer System upgrade.
- Case study for removing the old cathode lighting to new LED lighting on Theater area on Deck 6 and Deck 7 and Restaurants on Deck 5.
- Remove all cathode lighting on both areas and replace with new flexible high-power LED strips, new added control cables and dimmer cards.
- Modify the existing light dimmer removing the old cards and adding new dimming cards to suite.
- Re program the dimming racks.
- Test all lighting circuit, the new Light Control Panels and rack.
- Commission all the lighting upgrade.
- Implementation of the Ocean medallion project on the island: Supply, install and terminate Canbus network system.
- Supply, install terminate and test data network system.
- Install all sensors and readers.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- Engineering and planning the implementation of the Ocean Medallion project on board.
- Implementation of the Ocean medallion project with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Engineer and build new custom IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commission the Ocean Medallion project.
- As built drawings
- CCTV upgrade: Shipwide renewal of all CCTV system and adding new CCTV cameras: Removal of all old network cables, supply new network CAT6 cables for all cameras, terminate test certify and commissioning the CCTV system.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new power and fiber optic cables for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Marinestar system: All power, fiber optic and signal cables, supply install test terminate and certify.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the Aqua Hut, Chocolate Store, Pandora store, FJ watch store, Fashion store and Logo store.
- All electrical and network connection: Supply, install terminate test and certify all cables for the new Theater LED Wall
- Added new gondolas, added new LED lighting on dark areas.
- Added power and network sockets
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the upgraded Pool area.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting electrical, data, power, electrical catering systems on Lido area
- Planning and engineering the new Ocean Medallion network runs, Fiber Optic runs with all electrical power supplies.
- Implementation of the Ocean medallion project with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new data copper cables, new fiber optic system and network racks.
- Engineer and build new custom IDF network racks to suit ship’s space.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commissioning on the Ocean project.
- As built drawings.
- Horizon court restaurant: Complete refurbish of the new Horizon Court Area.
- Bespoke lighting adapted for marine use, supply, install, test and terminate all new bespoke lighting.
- General lighting: remove all old lights, supply install test and terminate new LED lighting.
- Upgrade all electrical system with new panel and catering electrical supplies.
- Upgrade all network system with added network cables supply, test, terminate, test and certify.
- As built drawings.
- De-racking, racking and patching new network equipment.
- De-racking, racking and patching new network equipment.
- De-racking, racking and patching new network equipment.
- Supply and install new lighting to improve the general lighting.
- Evac System: Supply install test and terminate power supply and control cables.
- Update the PA system adding horns and speakers.
- Update the FDS system adding detectors, isolators and manual call points.
- As built drawings.
- Case study for the implementation on Princess Cruise ships of the Ocean Medallion net and infrastructure project.
- Implementation of the Ocean medallion project with all the new added cabling.
- SDCN system: increase network capacity by adding new cables and racks.
- VSAT system: Supply and install all new fiber optic cables, copper data network cables and power supplies for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Assistance to commissioning on the Ocean project.
- As built drawings.
- CCTV upgrade: Shipwide renewal of all CCTV system and adding new CCTV cameras: Removal of all old network cables, supply new network CAT6 cables for all cameras, terminate test certify and commissioning the CCTV system.
- Theater: Supply install test and terminate new Single mode OS1 fiber optic cables to broadcasting center.
- Casino area: CCTV cabling install terminate test and certify.
- Marinestar system: All power, fiber optic and signal cables, supply install test terminate and certify.
- As built drawings.
- All electrical and network connection: Supply, install terminate test and certify all cables for the new Theater LED wall.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the upgraded Red Frog and Blue Iguana.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, power and data systems for the Alchemy bar.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting electrical, data, power, electrical catering systems on Lido area.
- Supply install all new lighting for the Cherry on the Top candy shop.
- Complete upgrade of the shop’s electrical and network system.
- Design lighting and electrical system studies for the Fantasia and Waves area.
- Study, supply install test and program the new dimmer panel for the Fantasia and Waves area.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting, electrical and network system.
- Supply and install all new power and signal cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the Thruster System upgrade.
- Supply and install all new power and signal cables for the Stabilizer System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data cables for the Stabilizer System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the Stabilizer System upgrade.
- Supply and install all new power and signal cables for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data cables for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the VSAT System upgrade.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new data and fiber optic cables for the Secondary data center.
- Install terminate and certify all CCTV data cables in the Casino Area.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the PA system upgrade.
- Install terminate and certify new ship’s added IT data lines.
- Supply install terminate and certify all new fiber optic cables for the ABB800xa System upgrade.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data for the new Curtiss Stone Share Restaurant.
- Supply and install Reflection and Latitudes shop’s cabinets lighting, upgrade power and data systems.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting, TV systems, data, power systems on the new Sports Bar conversion.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting in the Ice Cream Bar.
- Supply install and terminate power and data in the upgraded Youth and Teen Center.
- As built drawings.
- Supply and install all new lighting and new LED lighting.
- Supply install terminate test and certify all data network cables.
- Supply install terminate and test all power supply cables for added and old equipment.
- Engineer build and supply new power panels for the added catering equipment.
- Test all catering and safety systems.
- As built drawings.
- Supply and install all new lighting, electrical, TV and certified data systems for the new Karaoke room.
- Install electrical lighting and safety systems on the new Platinum Studio.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the upgraded Red Frog and Blue Iguana.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, power and data systems for the Alchemy bar.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting electrical, data, power, electrical catering systems on Lido area.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, power and data systems for the upgraded Red Frog and Blue Iguana.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, power and data systems for the Alchemy bar.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting electrical, data, power, electrical catering systems on Lido area.
- Cabling and lighting upgrade for the SMG system in the Casino area.
- CCTV cabling install terminate and certify.
- Supply install and terminate a new Genesis system with power and data cables certification in the Casino area.
- Install terminate and certify new ship’s new added IT data lines.
- Supply install terminate a new cabling for power and LES system in the Art Gallery.
- Supply install and upgrade additional external PA loudspeakers.
- Rewiring of all balconies loudspeakers.
- Added data lines and power on bandstand pool deck.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting in the Medical Centre.
- Cabling and lighting upgrade for the SMG system in the Casino area.
- Supply install and terminate cabling and power sockets upgrade in the Atrium area.
- Install terminate and certify new ship’s added IT data lines.
- Supply install terminate a new power and data system for the Theatre Side screens.
- Supply install terminate a new power and data system for the Explorer’s Lounge media server.
- Supply install terminate a new cabling for power and LES system in the Art Gallery.
- Supply install new radar step ladders.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, electrical and data systems for the new upgraded shops on deck 6.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, electrical and data systems for the new Lotus SPA area on deck 12.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, electrical and data systems for the upgraded Beauty parlor on deck 12.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting electrical, data, power and safety systems on the Platinum Studio..
- Supply and install all new LED lighting, TV systems, data, power systems on the new Sports Bar.
- Supply and install all new LED lighting in the Ice Cream Bar.
- Demolition of all electrical systems of the AFT project areas.
- Supply and install all main supplies: electrical, safety, power and data for all AFT cabins.
- Supply and install all lighting for all new AFT cabins Project.
- Install electrical main supplies for catering counters, lighting and safety systems on the horizon Court.
- Supply and Install electrical lighting and safety systems on all boutiques.
- Supply and Install all electrical lighting, TV, Data and safety systems on new cabins on deck 6.
- Supply install and test the data network and cabling for the Genesis and SMG system in the Casino area.
- Supply and install all new light fittings and LED panels on the new shops areas.
- Supply and install all new electrical and lighting systems on Shore-ex/Future cruise area.
- Supply and install all new electrical and lighting systems on Pelican area.
- Supply and install all new electrical and lighting systems on Sanctuary area.
- Supply and install all new electrical and lighting systems on Teen Center area.
- WMS and cell phone systems with Wi—Fi enhancement.
- Data center Hub revitalization.
- Heat recovery systems.
- LES Explorer lounge upgrading.
- Supply install and upgrade all lighting, electrical and data systems for the new upgraded shops on deck 6.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, electrical and data systems for the new Lotus SPA area on deck 12.
- Supply install all new LED lighting, electrical and data systems for the new Beauty parlor on deck 12.
- Supply and install all new Led lighting electrical, data and safety systems on the Platinum Studio.
- Supply and install all new lighting, electrical and safety systems for the new Art Gallery.
- Install electrical main supplies for catering counters, lighting and safety systems on the Horizon Court.
- New install of electrical lighting and safety systems in the Platinum Studio.
- Supply and install all new lighting, electrical data and safety systems for the new Casino Area.
- Supply and install new data cables and small power sockets for the Casino area on Deck 6.
- Supply and install LED lighting power and safety systems on the Platinum Studio.
- Install electrical and lighting systems on the O’Sheehan’s Pub.
- Install electrical and lighting systems on the Asian restaurant.
- Install electrical and lighting systems on the Casino Area.
- Install electrical lighting and safety systems on the Platinum Studio.
- Install electrical and lighting systems on the O’Sheehan’s Pub.
- Install electrical and lighting systems on the Photo gallery.
- Supply install and test the data network and cabling for the Genesis system in the Casino area.
- Supply install and test the data network cabling for the Photo gallery.
- Supply and install all new lighting, electrical and safety systems for the new shops (Limelight Boutique – Facets – Calypso Cove and Essence).
- Supply and install new data cables and small power sockets for the Casino area on Deck 6.
- Planning, supply and install all new electrical systems for the Japanese bath on deck 14.
- Planning, supply and install all new lighting systems for the Japanese bath on deck 14.
- Planning, supply and install all new PA, FDS and safety systems on pools areas for the Japanese bath on deck 14.
- Install all new electrical systems for the new pool machinery for the Japanese bath on deck 14.
- Planning, supply and install all new electrical, lighting and safety systems for 14 new cabins on deck 6.
- Install electrical damper system on the new cabins on deck 6.
- Supply and install all new light fittings and LED panels on the new Japanese bath area.
- Supply and install all new light fittings on the new cabins on deck 6
- Added new Diesel Generator removing and reinstall electrical systems
- Removing old Diesel Generator related electrical systems.
- Adding new lighting and sockets in the Osmosis room
- Install all new cables and cable trays preparing for the 2015 Dry Dock
- Supply and install all power supplies for the Video Wall of the Theatre on Deck 6.
- Supply and install all distribution panels and sockets for the video Wall.
- Supply and install all data cables and for the Video Wall of the Theatre on Deck 6.
- Complete demolish and refurbish the Lido Restaurant and Tastes and Trident Grill
- Supply and install new feature LED lighting in the Lido restaurant.
- Supply and install new feature LED lighting in the Tastes & Trident Grill.
- Supply and install new LED downlights in the Lido restaurant.
- Supply and install new LED downlights in the Tastes & Trident Grill.
- Supply and install all new Power supplies in both areas.
- Supply install and commissioning of a new dimmer rack for the Lido Restaurant lighting.
- Supply install and commissioning of a new dimmer rack for the Tastes and Trident Grill lighting.
- Supply install and commissioning for a complete PA system in the Lido Restaurant.
- Supply install and commissioning for a complete PA system in the Tastes & Trident Grill.
- Check, rewire, relocate and commissioning of the FDS System on both Areas.
- Supply install relocate and commissioning of the LES system on both Areas.
- Supply and install all new sockets for 115V, 220V, Data system, Telephone system on both areas.
- Supply and install new feature LED lighting in the Concorde Plaza.
- Supply and install new RGB lighting in the Concorde Plaza.
- Supply and install new lighting in the Disco.
- Supply and install new lighting in the Fantasia Restaurant.
- Supply and install new lighting in the Sinfonia Restaurant.
- Supply and install new feature lighting in the Photo gallery.
- Supply and install new feature lighting in the Shops corridors.
- Design, supply and install the electrical system in the Lido/Grill/Ice Cream areas.
- Dampers and safety electrical systems.
- Supply and install all decorative lighting features and fittings.
- Build new cabins and related corridors electrical systems and lighting on deck 6 and deck 7
- Supply and install all safety systems for new cabins and new corridors (FDS, PA, GA) ➢ Supply install all mains and signal cables for cabins from the main power supply rack.
- Drawings testing and commissioning for all systems.
- Pool deck 11 supply and install all new RGB lighting on all area.
- Pool deck 11 supply install a complete dimming bridged with the old one, terminating testing and ➢
- Pool deck 11 supply and install all new LED lighting on all pools.
- Pool deck 11 supply and install all new LED lighting on columns, canvass and ceiling.
- Install new lighting on the jogging track on deck 12.
- Supply and install all power supplies for the Video Wall of the Theatre on Deck 6.
- Supply and install all distribution panels and sockets for the video Wall.
- Supply and install all data cables and for the Video Wall of the Theatre on Deck 6.
- Ultrasonic antifouling system on sea water system, aft center and fwd.
- Removing old Diesel Generator related electrical systems.
- Adding new Diesel generator in the engine room
- Moving pumps and related distribution Power racks.
- New electrical systems and control systems for all sensors.
- Lighting and electrical systems, small power systems on cabins, corridors and technical spaces on Deck 6.
- Lighting, electrical systems, small power systems on cabins, corridors and technical spaces.
- Lighting, electrical systems, small power systems on cabins, corridors and technical spaces.
- International Café Catering equipment, lighting safety and electrical systems
- Lobby bar Catering equipment, lighting safety and electrical systems
- Pizzeria Galley Catering, lighting safety and electrical systems
- RGB colour change lighting on all atrium lifts and ceiling central feature, supply, install and test
- Atrium Deck 5 LED lighting, electrical systems and data systems, supply and install.
- International Cafe LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Lobby bar LED lighting, electrical systems and data systems, supply and install.
- Wine bar LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Pizzeria LED lighting, electrical sand data systems, supply and install.
- Shore Excursions LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Library LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Captain’s Circle LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Future Cruise LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Photo gallery LED lighting, electrical and data systems, supply and install.
- Complete refurbish of ship’s public areas Electrical and Lighting systems
- Removal of all old electrical systems, planning new electrical and lighting systems.
- Planning, supply, install and rerouting all cables on decks 8-9-10-11-12.
- New dimming system plan, build, supply, install, wire, test and commissioning for all LED lighting on decks 8-9-10-11-12.
- Supply install and connect all decorative lighting on decks 8-9-10-11-12.
- Supply install and connect all electrical systems on decks 8-9-10-11-12.
- RGB colour change system on Samsara restaurant, supply install test and commissioning.
- RGB colour change system on Main Hall Reception, supply install test and commissioning. ➢ RGB colour change system on Samsara Spa’s, supply install test and commissioning.
- RGB colour change system on Tango night club, supply install test and commissioning
- RGB colour change system on the Grand Bar, supply install test and commissioning.
- RGB colour change lighting on the Excelsior’s show lounge ceiling, supply install test and commissioning.
- RGB colour change system on all open decks, supply install test and commissioning.
- RGB colour change lighting on all external pools, supply install test and commissioning.
- RGB colour change lighting in Squok Children club, supply install, test and commissioning.
- Fire Detection systems on deck 8-9-10-11, install test and commissioning on public areas, lobbies, crew and Pax stairs.
- Supply, install and test all data network on decks 8-9-10-11-12.
- Guest lifts fiber optics ceiling starlight and LED spotlights systems, supply and install.
- Deck 8 thermal areas, supply and install all electrical and safety systems
- Deck 8 thermal areas, supply and install all RGB LED colour change, fiber optics and LED decorative lighting features.
- Fiber optics sky effect in all guest elevators
- Steakhouse Galley electrical systems.
- Steakhouse Show Galley electrical systems.
- Fire Dampers, Fire Detection System, and PA system in the Steakhouse galley.
- Safety shutdown systems in the Steakhouse Galley (DFF’s, ventilation and rolling shutters)
- Casino refurbishing and electrical system modifications.
- Spa electrical systems modification.
- Moving and rewiring cables on open decks.
- Electrical systems of all public areas.
- G.B Lighting system on secondary lounge and public areas.
- New Led Lighting supply and install
- Mode Lighting new dimming system on public areas supply, install, test and commissioning.
- Ship’s new Data network cabling supply and install.
- Kitchens lighting and electrical systems modification supply and install.
- Electrical systems guest cabins and corridors.
- Electrical systems of all guest cabins.
- Normal lighting, emergency lighting, small power and catering electrical system design, installation and supply for all the Public Areas.
- RGB LED design, installation and supply.
- Dimming system design, installation and supply.
- Refurbishing the electrical systems. (Watertight doors electrical system)
- Complete rewiring of the LED lighting system.
- Electrical systems guest cabins and corridors.
- Electrical refitting supply and install for 972 passenger cabins.
- Electrical system supply and install for 20 passenger cabins and restaurant maintenance.
- Electrical system supply and install for 300 passenger cabins.
- Electrical system supply and install for 20 passenger cabins and Atrium maintenance.